Stars of Space Jam: Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote [VHS] Overview
This cartoon collection with Space Jam's Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner roars along with their own self-styled, fast-break frenzy. Six uncut fully-animated cartoons. Year: 1996 Starring: Road Runner, Wile E. Coyote
Customer Reviews
This is an excellent selection of classic Road Runner cartoons. All six of these cartoons have been restored with the sound and picture quality.
Gee Whiz-ZZZ: How many "z" has in his book. Note that this is the last time Chuck Jones is always named Charles M. Jones to return. Concerning the same cartoon, I'm surprised. This has somehow become a classic, though nothing special. Other Coyote impression that Batman, no one special. However, this is the only time aCartoon ended before Coyote was injured.
ZOOM and bored: On the other hand, this is a great cartoon with some great novelty gag that was not filled before. The quality has never been better than before. This is a brand worth buying. There are gags that were used previously.
Fast and furry-NE: This is the first Road Runner cartoon ever made, and this is one of the best. The quality has been restored from its original TV print. This was restorment in desperate need. A greatend of the first cartoon.
HOOK, LINE and Stinker: Note that both Coyote and Road Runner are drawn at the beginning of something else. This is another great cartoon, full of new ideas.
ZIP Beep 'N Snort': The second-best Road Runner cartoons, in addition to audible OR NOT, my favorite. This has a few gags and ideas. The best Road Runner cartoons are made in 1960 and the continuous line here.
Hot Rod and Reel: Other than copying the ramp of dynamiteZOOM bored and that is a gem, with some great music and a restored soundtrack. That's perfect.
If you're a Road Runner, this tape.