Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cracking Up [VHS]

Cracking Up [VHS] Overview

In this Jerry Lewis classic from 1983, Jerry not only stars in the film, but wrote and directed it too. The story is about a nerd who goes to see a shrink about his suicidal impulses. Hechr(39)s a clutz and just canchr(39)t seem to kill himself successful

Customer Reviews

I can not add much to what other reviewers have already said, if you like Jerry Lewis, you will love this film. It has many parts that make you laugh out loud when I think that would be unforgettable even stupid. Of course, not everything is great. But a scene that comes to mind is the pilot pulled the speeder obese. Another knee slapper: "Hey, can I push?" "Sure!" says the man, Jerry knockng on his head. "No, I mean my car." "Oh, OK!" how are you pushing Jerry hoursdriverless car down the hill. Of course it is better to watch.

As a reason for a DVD, who knows. Amazon had a rental download, but it's over. [...], If you search you can find a torrent, but it is an old VHS recording that sees all his 25 years with monitoring and reporting the horizontal lines at the top of the screen, but it is the only copy I have seen out there (not spending $ 85-100 for a used Band!

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