The Sea Hawk (Colorized Version) [VHS] Overview
Five years after
Captain Blood made him a swashbuckling star, Errol Flynn returned to the high seas as privateer Captain Thorpe in
The Sea Hawk. Flynn plays the dashing gentleman pirate as dedicated patriot, looting Spanish ships for English coffers with the private blessing of Queen Elizabeth (Flora Robson, reprising the role from
Fire over England). The film opens with a rousing sea battle: broadside cannon fire sends masts falling and splinters a-flying before Flynn's men take their Spanish quarry in a furious shipboard cutlass battle. The fearless fighter becomes a stumbling schoolboy when he falls for the Spanish ambassador's niece, but he's back in his element when he sails to the New World for treasure and lands in the middle of a deadly conspiracy. Big-eyed beauty Brenda Marshall stands in for Flynn's usual love interest Olivia de Havilland, and the film misses the latter's sass and spirit, but it's a minor shortcoming. Claude Rains plays his usual smoothly conniving villain, and hearty Alan Hale returns as Flynn's loyal sidekick. Michael Curtiz proves once again why he was Warner Brothers' top director with a handsome, action-packed film that mixes intrigue and suspense with grand set pieces, concluding with a rousing series of escapes, chases, and a runaway sword fight. Classic Hollywood swashbuckling at its best.
--Sean Axmaker
Customer Reviews
SEA HAWK .. 1940
written by Howard Koch and Seton L Miller
Director: Michael Curtiz
Assessment by: Erich Wolfgang Korngold
Errol Flynn, Captain Geoffrey Thorpe
Dame Flora Robson, Queen Elizabeth
Brenda Marshall, Dona Maria Alverez
Claude Rains-Don Jose Alverez
Alan Hale Carl-Pitt
Una O'Connor-Marthe
a great battle between one of seven English pirate ships .... The Albatros ... and a Spanish galleon is the highV. ..... Eight huge cannon fire spewing fire and smoke on the decks of the Spanish ship closely paralyzed high .... The assignment of their ship arthward her behind bars ... tattered and torn sails. .. pounce on their decks, and she is in grave danger of destruction ...
ever so slowly revealed to the captain of the Albatross ... Our wonderful Flynn .. He is certainly beautiful and safe driving ...
"mr. Pitt!" He calls the commands to prepare for retirementShips captured ..
Flynn and his crew will move from ropes .. mode pirate .. all the water from one vessel to another ... Meeting with chests full of treasures and jewels of gold .... meaning for the coffers of King Philip of Spain. ... Discover the different souls under the bridge .... Marshall .. Rain ... uncle ... Ambassador to Spain, and O'Connor, his Mistress ..
Flynn takes a hard look at Marshall and we know from the look on his face .. He is stunned bytheir presence and beauty .... she and the rest of the crew were immediately transported to Spain aboard the Albatross, as the Spanish ship sinks to the bottom of the sea ....
during the trip to England .. This is a fascinating sequence, Marshall, stands on a balcony outside his room under the bridge ... Flynn is on the bridge ... He leans over the railing ... hesitant and awkward, you start a conversation with ... while the exchange of information ... Tells of the virtues of etiquette pirate .. andtold of an old proverb, the English .. "Anyone sailing without a rudder to stay on good terms with the wind" ... He and his company the seas roam free like a bird ..... he remains boyishly expressive language related sports devastating brown eyes and a smile Flynn ..
Enter Mrs. Robson and her court .... Now back on Italian soil ... a show at the court to be sure ... Pomp reign of Queen ... Upload seven leaders, who, The Sea Hawk are the enterprises of corsair .. . each sheet, butWhere's Flynn? In another beautiful scene .. Flynn came to the Court of Queen, and we see immediately that for their favorite ... they can not hide his childish joy to see him and he knows ... Later in his private residence, presented his Majesty with precious pearl in a gold chain and a clever little monkey took his conquests .... seems to be enchanted with the surprises ...
Robson Flynn and then enter into a long conversation about the victory over the SpanishArmada ... Flynn plans to sail the albatross on a secret mission to Panama and surprise the enemy ... To make a very touching moment between the two ... Add the queen, but look in the eye and says. . "If you have so that it would do without the consent of the Queen of England ..... but with the great love Elizabeth ... kisses her ring and bow ...
Later, in a scene in the beautiful rose garden outside the palace ...* *... My Captain Flynn favors welcomes Marshallwith a more than friendly and shy, but hi ... its greatest presence of life is undeniable, as it approaches ... Stands there with his arms full of long stem white roses virgin .... tells her that he and his crew will be gone for months at sea, but ... ... said tenderly: "I always think of you as the lady of the roses" ...
Typical .....
Next we see Flynn and his crew trudging through thick, dense jungle of Panama, after an ambush by Spanish soldiersThis waiting can not wait to attack them .... half killed, and managed to survive and their return to sea, where the Albatross at anchor and waiting .... when they come on board their ... find a case for them has been interrupted by the enemy .. Flynn sees no point in trying to fight, and then passes his ship ...... Are caught immediately and shortly after the end of a Spanish court of law ....
Flynn and crew to read such an indictment against them ...free ... Article # 36 "Magic and other heretical practices" ... you end up in a dark foreboding, a Spanish vessel jail ... Grilled condemned for the rest of their natural born ADS .... Line
Gosh I could not believe it would be a very long time ..... and I'd rather be!
Thrope captain and his men ..... oh wait ..... false story ..... Flynn and his crew to escape from their chains and sent to fight to the finish on the bridge with the side of the lame Spanish galleon. .... furtherWe'll see .... them to England, and Queen Bess ..... are returned,
Flynn and rain have great courage, armed with a sword scene that every well-choreographed routine to Broadway today would rival ...
Flynn brings love with Marshall in a romantic scene .... Passionate ... 're not dead, and so happy to see you ......
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