Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Summer Story [VHS]

Customer Reviews

The other guests were all well received by his voice to the chorus: "A history of summer" is a jewel deep that many have not seen. I came across a title to read Leonard Maltin's Movie Book Review and was struck by his description of the story: a young man, a lawyer, with perspectives that comes in a seductive, beautiful lover and then take dramatic decisions of the mind and the heart, which too often not done properly (or can). The love story between the two - and thestunning scenery, first class photography, music, directing, editing, and - all this, however, is even more beautiful as a movie "Maltin's Hotel 3 stars" would testify. There is not a false note in history made - a "John Galsworthy's The Apple Tree" is based, a great story on his own - and the actors, even the child actors are credible and true. The story moves quickly enough for a love story - and the end, I dilvuge, presents a dramatic and subtle aseverything you can imagine. The end is rotated as powerful as it is likely to see a picture in a movie. Imogen Stubbs was the role of his life, like the beautiful farm girl - her beauty, wit, intelligence and strength (and weakness in the face of Enduring Love) could not be done better. Yes, this treatment deserves to DVD - and the soundtrack itself must be on CD. "A story of Summer" is one of those rare love stories film - you will never forget.

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